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We are the Perrins, and these are

our stories.

Randy, Crystal, Christian, Carter, and Chesney 

     When I was younger, my grandmother told me to be a good man. She also mentioned certain family situations where marriages were jeopardize and lives were destroyed from bad decisions. As a young man, growing up without proper guidance and no real male figure to look up to, I didn't understand everything that she told me. I needed an example. I didn’t know what a real man was. At age 21, my first child was born. Everything my grandmother told me started to make sense. I saw myself going down the path that she warned me to stay away from. I became determined to make my grandmother proud, break the cycle, and not let my child be another statistic. So my beautiful wife and I gave our lives to Christ! 


     God has done so many amazing things in my life. My godmother started me off in church when I was younger. My mother never took us to church, so I would take my sister. We would sneak out and ride the van to church. When we moved out of town, my sister and I went to our neighbor’s church. I was baptized when I was in the 5th grade.


     When I started middle school, I strayed away from church and started to rebel. I continued on a rebellious path throughout high school. I had to go to summer school in order to graduate on time. I was baptized again after high school and started back on the correct path.


     I married my first husband/high school boyfriend when I was 21. We separated a year later, and I again started partying and such, always trying to fill a void when what I needed was already there. I began going to church again. I met Randy in the midst of my separation. We had several ups and downs, but we finally got it together. We were married in 2012 and have been continuing to walk our faith walk together. 


     I was connected with EPIC through work. I had been promoted to take on the new Barrow County account for Kelly Services, working with prospective substitute teachers. I then met Bailey for an interview. Being nosy, I asked how she ended up in Winder. I told her we were looking for a church closer to our home. She told me about EPIC and the Labor Day event that was coming up. We came out to that event and really enjoyed it. We were invited to join the team by Pastor Tommy.  After discussing the idea and praying about it, we agreed it was the best move for us. 


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